Thursday, January 30, 2025

Returning to School after Summer Holidays

Today was the first day back to school for most government run schools in Australia. While all states might not align exactly, and some private schools might not begin till next week, many went back today. For readers in the northern hemisphere, this is the tail end of summer for us.

As teachers and parents, how do we handle the first day back after Summer break?

Obviously teachers, School Heads and parents will have different perspectives on the first day. It's different for parents of 5 year olds going to school with uniforms a little big for their children as usual, new shoes, and a back pack almost too large for them to carry on their backs. And different again for the 15 year olds, who while perhaps wishing holidays hadn't ended (N.B. In Australia we have just 6 weeks). But some older students will be keen to reconnect with their friends. Many will also be nervous about the teachers they will receive, and teachers will be hoping for good students. So on day one, there are many different moods and expectations.

Some teachers will have two days worth of work for students and expect it done on the first day. And there will be a first day Assembly where the principal might present an upbeat speech. You know, "How good it is to be back etc". Other teachers might just warn them that the work will be harder, so they need to get stuck into it and make their parents and the school proud.

Oh dear, I'm having flashbacks to my life as both a teacher and a student. But how might we settle everyone down a little?


How to make week on just a little easier for all?

Rather than increasing student and parent anxiety, let's try to reduce it. 

a) Start positively

Hopefully, you can share that you had a good break and that it's good to see them back. Try to avoid hiding your doubts behind comments like "I'm looking forward to a challenging year". Perhaps share the things you're looking forward to (NO not weekends), like "seeing them grow", "getting to know new students", encouraging them to "participate in many things outside the classroom lessons" and so on.

b) Don't over-burden them on day 1

Perhaps allow time to share some of the good things they did in the holidays. In primary (i.e. elementary schools in the US and some other nations) you might plan the whole first day around the holidays. This could include, sharing stories, great things they did, and any challenges (e.g. a broken leg). Some art, poetry and so on.

In secondary schools every subject teacher can't simply repeat the above. You will need to take a different tack. But I'd suggest allowing time for some sharing of holiday highlights. Don't ask everyone to answer the same questions, that would be boring. Maybe, vary the questions:

What was your highlight of the summer holidays?

  • Did anyone go somewhere special?
  • Read any good books? 
  • Get to any movies or theatre?
  • Sporting events?

And then maybe shift to broad questions about school:

  • What are you looking forward to this year?
  • Are there things you want to do better?
  • What will be your greatest challenge

I hope the year starts well for our children, parents and teachers. Good luck for the first week, as teachers and parents prepare for the months ahead.

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