Monday, October 7, 2024

Five Quirky New Picture Books that Will Make Everyone Laugh

Christmas is closer than we think so what better time to get some special Christmas books for children aged 1-10. Five new books from Walker Books. I know it seems early, but sometimes delivery times at Christmas can be very slow.

1. 'Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Sleigh!' Written & illustrated by Mo Willems

Now here's a title to get your interest! You'd expect something a 'little' different from Mo Willems, but a pigeon who wants to drive Santa's sleigh?! What could go wrong? And why can't he sneak a drive while Santa's not looking? But, what's wrong with this sleigh? 

But there aren't any gears, or a steering wheel, or even a horn!?

And how does he get it to move? I'll leave you to guess, but better still, just get the book and find out.

2. 'Merry Christmas, Little Wombat' written & illustrated by Charles Fuge 

Now this is an Aussie Christmas story! With a Wombat, Echidna, Kangaroo, Platypus, Rainbow Lorikeet how will this work out? This might be an Aussie take on Christmas, but as the northern hemisphere is often buried in snow, how do they celebrate 'down under'?

But hang on, what might the Christmas tree be like? There are no pines or spruce trees in a southern summer. We need a tree! Help someone!

3. 'Socks' written by JD McPherson and illustrated by Anika Orrock

I love this book! What child doesn't drop hints for the special gifts they'd like at Christmas time? Then again, not all parents are wealthy and can afford many gifts at Christmas. But, while this is very much a wealthy class view of Christmas expectations and gifts it is very funny, it does end with the our cranky kid reflecting on how "love and cheer" don't come in a box. 

Wonderful illustrations from Anika Orrock, and a funny little story from JD McPherson.

4. 'Mr Santa' Written and illustrated by Jarvis

Jarvis (yes that is the full author name) offers a different take on Christmas in this beautifully illustrated and written picture book. What child hasn't wanted to catch Santa at work late at night when they should be sleeping soundly? Or, at least dream about it. This little girl (or perhaps boy) has quite the adventure.

With a stirring in their moonlit room, there's movement at the foot of the bed. Santa is caught 'red' handed! Had he wiped his feet? Well, Santa decides he might just as well sit down for a chat, a nice hot cup or tea or coffee with this little nosy one before heading off.

So Santa, "like to see my fish"? Have some ginger bread. "Do you prefer dogs or cats"? "Can a reindeer talk"? "Can I ride your sleigh"? Wow! Where are we now"? All those penguins, "Are we lost"? "Do you stop at traffic lights"? "Can we visit your house?" "Just one more question" he mumbles as he wakes. "Was it really real?"

5. 'One Wise Sheep' by written & illustrated by Ulrich Hub and illustrated by Jorg Muhle 

Now last, but not least, a short novel for older readers 8-10. Ulrich Hub has written a delightful story with an interesting traditional take on a special time in 4 BC. The sheep are all awake in the dark of night as a new star is in the sky shining as brightly. They're concerned as all the shepherds have gone! Shouldn't "shepherds abide in the fields; they have to stay with their sheep at night". They've even left their back packs behind. Here's an opportunity, there is food in their backpacks!

Then a sheep with a "bobble hat" (beanie) and cries "Fear not: for, behold I bring you good tidings!" The sheep shares how in the middle of the night "... suddenly a host of Angels appeared in our fields singing praises. I think I even heard trumpets-" "And the good tidings?" the other sheep asked? "What were they? "Oh, I've forgotten he replied."

But while this absent-minded sheep takes some prompting, he manages to remember and share the true meaning of the Christmas. He declares, "A baby was born unto us tonight.. he is wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger...". Not all the sheep were persuaded by the tidings. So they follow the star in the night sky for they hear that this baby was sent to save the world! It seems the mother and father and child had to come because the Romans had declared a census must occur. Sadly, the sheep arrive too late to see the baby in the manger but find out there is a happy ending, this is just the beginning of the story this little one had ushered in, for He would change the world.



Monday, September 30, 2024

Is Christian pedagogy any different to sound secular pedagogy? Part 1

This was the question that shaped one of two plenary addresses I presented to the 300 delegates of the "Australian National Leaders' Summit Christian Schools Conference" (Brisbane 19-22 Aug 2024).

The brief was to unpack the ideas in my book 'Pedagogy and Education for Life'. It was a challenging task to synthesize all aspects of my work in two 45 minute addresses. But, it's even more difficult to do so in two posts. But here goes!

1. What do we mean by Christian Pedagogy?" 

The word 'Pedagogy' is derived from the Greek word “Paidagogeo” which is a compound of “paidos” (child) and “agogos” (one who leads or guides) (Cairney, 2018, p.32). Some quick questions in response. Is this how we see the role of the teacher in Christian schools? I believe it should be. If so, how do we lead or guide our students? Does it look any different to secular schools?


The Apostle Paul used the word “Paidagogeo” in Ephesians 6:4 in relation to “discipline" which is how it is often translated. But Paul and others were using it in the sense of “bringing [them] up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” But what does he mean by this? Let me work through some key points.


2. Is there such a thing as 'Christian Pedagogy'?

I think most Christian Christian leaders would agree that teaching is different in Christian schools. But as I have visited Christian schools, and talked with teachers and administrators, much of what they mean when using the term “Christian teaching”, or in some cases “Teaching Christianly”, was that staff and teachers saw their own personal faith somehow shaping their work in the classroom. That's one of the reasons, I use the term Christian pedagogy NOT Christian teaching.

In a school with all (or mostly) Christian teachers, what's different about their practices? Is the relationship between teacher and students different? At a broader level, what do the principal, school board and parent body, see as the fundamental things that make their school a Christian school? 

How recognisable would this be to others? Would they be recognisable to parents, students, other non-Christian schools and so on? Or, are our schools (and parents) just as distracted by academic success, and simply relegate matters of faith to the background?

I believe we need to devote more time in Christian schools to considering what faith-based pedagogy looks like in all classrooms. In fact, we need to develop a 'whole of life perspective as well as a community perspective in our schools. Why? Because our schools should be places where faith is evident in varied ways, and where it is discussed and seen as a priority with teachers, students and parents.

3. But What Does it Mean to Teach in a Christian way?

One of the key assumptions and priorities in the type of pedagogy I'm suggesting is that we create classroom and school environments where:

"Education is seen as the whole of life of a community, and the experience of its members learning to live this life, from the standpoint of a specific end goal" (Cairney, 'Pedagogy and Education for Life'). And of course, I'm suggesting that the "whole of life" of the school is more than studying subjects and succeeding academically, in order leading to gain good results and employment. 

Rather, the whole of life of the school should be just as much about shaping students to grow in faith, with an understanding that God created them to do more than simply being successful in life. Our God wants our students to know Him, seek to honour Him, and lead lives that bring glory to Him.

  • If so, what does such community ‘life’ look like?
  • How do we live from the standpoint of a specific goal? 
  • What might the goals of the school and the teacher look like?
  • What is our role in helping to achieve such communities? 

I will look more closely at some of these questions in my next post. I quote John Hull in the introduction to me book, who helpfully notes:

"What normally passes for Christian Education can more accurately be named 'Christians educating'." Ouch!

Trevor Hart identifies rightly in the foreword to my book that I have sought to describe a “teleology” (i.e. a reason or explanation for the function or purpose of something) or an “eschatology” (i.e. seeing our students in the light of a bigger and more ultimate vision). We do not simply seek educational and intellectual accomplishments, or future wealth.

Hart also suggests, as I do, that what makes “Christian Education” distinctive, is not the curriculum, specific pedagogical methods and so on, but an “eschatology” that views our hopes for our students, in light of a much bigger vision than academic success, future employment and ongoing self-advancement.

4. Summing Up


I hope our schools, teachers and leaders, articulate and offer clear reasons for the faith that drives their every action? I implore all of us to assess whether our pedagogy and priorities demonstrate a much bigger vision for our students’ future (and their parents), than just top marks and rankings, careers and success. Of course, this might be different from what some parents (and even staff) perceive as the ‘good life’. But there is no reason to see these things are incompatible. We need to keep asking, what does “success” look like for students and us as teachers? Finally, if teachers, parents and students have different views, how do we reconcile them?


Christian schools should seek to create rich school environments, that point students towards faith in our Lord and Saviour, not just ‘success’ in life?


In my next post, I will look more closely at how Christian Pedagogy has a key role in shaping our students in the faith which at times might be invisible. While we can easily see and assess student growth in knowledge, skills, and commitment to learning, how do we assess growth in the inner life of our students?

John Hull, “Aiming for Christian Education, Settling for Christians Educating”, Christian Scholar Review 32 (2009) 203-23.






Friday, September 6, 2024

'Seven Great New Books for readers aged 6-12 Years'


1.'The Mosaic' by Deborah Kelly & illustrated by Nicky Johnson

Have you ever been responsible for breaking something special? Was it yours' or someone else's? Yikes!


Frankie's intentions were good, she took the special vase to collect flower's for Nan. But... it was broken into many pieces. Nan takes her on a special drive to an art gallery that seemed to change everything...

I just love this special book.

2. 'Too Many Acorns' by written and illustrated by Susannah Crispe.

At one level this is a wonderful and warm story about a Dad his Son and a fascination with acorns that gets out of hand. But beneath the surface there is another untold story of heartbreak and personal loss, as a Dad and his Son try to cope with the loss of someone they loved.

Can you have too many acorns? Maybe not if you're a squirrel, but if you are a young collector of acorns, you never know. This delightful book from Susannah Crispe is a simple tale that draws you in as a reader as the keenness of a young boy to collect a few acorns, gets out of hand.

Beautifully illustrated with the vibrant colours you'd expect from a talented author illustrator like Susannah Crispe. Originally from New Zealand, she now lives in Canberra and we've claimed her as an Aussie!  Her other works include 'Where the Heart Is', 'Cookie', 'Under the Moonlight', 'Swoop', 'Cloudspotting' and 'The Real Cowgirl'.

3. 'The Welcome Cookies' by Kaye Baillie & illustrated by Kirrili Lonergan

I'm sure readers will relate to this lovely story about a girl and her Mum who visit their favourite cafe every Friday; the 'Sugar Plum Cafe'. And like all of us, if we have a special cafe and suddenly it is sold! Well, devastation. But Mabel is to find that even though Miss Plum has left, something new might just fill the gap left when Miss Plum retired.

"Will Mabel be able to give to give the new-look cafe a chance or has she lost her happy place forever?"

Beautifully illustrated Kirrili Lonergan. Her pencil sketches and water colour images are delightful and bring the key characters to life. Children will want to hear this time and time again, and also enjoy reading it themselves.  

A wonderful collaboration between author & illustrator.

4. 'Dragon Guest Handbook' by Jeanette Stamphone & illustrated by Novia Heroanto.

Wow! This little gem of a book is wonderful. And practical too, because we all need to know, just what to do if a dragon arrives unannounced. Thanks to the experience of one boy, we are given the 'good oil' on the requirements, and what NOT to do. Like any tourist who drops in, a Dragon might well have a few quirky ways.

First greet it well and be careful how you introduce the dragon to your parents when he sits down for breakfast. Perhaps get him to put on a disguise before venturing out. And of course take Dragon exploring in the disguise. But be careful, especially if you visit a museum and be doubly if you visit the skeletons.

Dragon will most likely love surfing, Hot Air Ballooning (watch where he points its flaming breath) and dining out! But make sure Dragon doesn't breath any fire while there. 

A quirky and fun book that readers 2-6 will enjoy.

5. 'When Santa Got Stuck in a Gum Tree' by Jackie Hosking & illustrated by Nathaniel Eckstrom

It's Christmas in Australia and unlike the Northern Hemisphere it's hot and dry. This alone makes Christmas different. And things are different for Santa too! 

It's very hot for him and the hazards down under are different than in the northern winter. He won't get stuck in the snow, or the chimney but...could he end up in a tree?! Unfortunately, yes he just might.

The creators of this wonderful little book are also different. Jackie Hosking is a Nigerian born Australian who moved to Australia when she was 10. She began writing for children after completing a creative writing course at her local community house in a seaside town just off the Great Ocean Road in Victoria. She was awarded the 'May Gibbs Creative Time Fellowship'. She is also the author of 'The Croc and the Platypus' (2014).

Nathaniel Eckstrom is an illustrator based Sydney. He has worked on a number of children's books including 'Stubborn Stanley', 'The Hole Idea', 'Roadtrip' and 'Ten Little Figs'.

6. Two wonderful short novels for readers aged 8-12

There are three books in this series, one of which I have reviewed previously ('The Fingerprint Code'). But here are two I haven't shared.

a) 'The Counterfeit Bust' by R.A. Stephens & illustrated by Em Hammond

Riz is a kid who often notices things that others miss. With a name like Riz this kid was always going to be a little different. She seems to have uncanny ability to see things that others miss. As usual Rizz is thinking and wondering. But when she goes to hand a 10 dollar note to the check out person she exclaims "can notes be faulty"? Mum says, just hand it to her. But no! Riz hands it to the checkout person and says something is wrong with this. A security guard is called and Mum and Rizz end up heading to the police station to have things checked.

Like all of the Riz Chester books, you can't easily put it down. You'll have to buy the book to find out how this all ends!

b) 'The Evidence Track' by R.A. Stephens and illustrated by Em Hammond

Riz and her friends successfully led the Counterfeit Bust. Now Riz has discovered a passion for forensic science.She loves mysteries, and with her new interest in forensics she is looking for crimes to solve. But what?! Nothing has happened for months. 

So what do you do? Riz organises the perfect ‘match-the-tracks’ party for her friends. Moulds are prepared and muddy prints are evidence to help solve crimes. But given Riz's past, could such a innocent party get them into trouble?


Monday, August 26, 2024

Children's Book of the Year Awards 2024

The Winners & Honour Books Younger Readers (Ages 0-6 Years)

Voting has been completed and winners in all categories announced for younger readers.  As always there were SO many great books. Glad I'm not a judge this year! I should point out that this year we have the appointed judges of the awards, and for some reason there a group of 'Appointed Judges' also suggest winners. 

In this post I will review nominations and the winners in the 'Early Childhood' & 'Picture Book of the Year' Awards.


1. Early Childhood (0-6)

And the winner is....


And what a worthy winner! 

Quick! Come and see! Something fabulous, it’s . . . me!

Gymnastica Fantastica! is a joyful and exuberant picture book about a child discovering and attempting new physical skills and putting on wonderfully imperfect shows for whoever will watch them.

Gymnastica is a small person with big energy, as they bend and balance, bounce and roll, attempt a cartwheel and a spectacular trapeze flip-out finale. Written in playful rhyming text and with brightly energetic and appealing illustrations, this is a book that kids and parents alike will find irresistible to read aloud and delight in its energy and humour.

The CBCA judges commented…

This book conveys so much energy and life which children will connect with immediately. The young child’s voice permeates the tight, joyful rhyming text which includes a rich assortment of verbs, nouns and adjectives. Pencil, ink, crayon, gouache, and digital illustrations are filled with zoom in action and movement matching the equally energetic text.

And the 'Shadow Judging' winner is...

Bob Graham is one of our finest writers and illustrators. Once again he doesn't disappoint! The judges said of this book:

"An exuberant group of children spill out from the confines of a grey apartment block, finding joy in a simple box of chalk. The power of creativity and strength in community shine...  The language is simple and succinct... and rich in imagery."

 As always, his illustrations have the usual use of watercolour, pastel colours, gentleness and warmth. The illustrations are so sensitively created in watercolour, pencil and pastel colours. And as always Graham leaves the reader with a view of how the world should be.

Honour Books

Now here is an unlikely pairing! And an even more unlikely dance pairing.

Bear and Duck are best friends, but they are very different. Duck likes to try new things, and Bear ... well, Bear likes not to.

When Duck needs a friend for her dance class, Bear reluctantly agrees. Bear’s big size causes problems at first, but he soon discovers that he might just be a very good dancer.

 'Grace and Milligan' Caz Goodwin & Illustrated by Pip Kruger

Grace lives next door to old Mr Milligan and his goat Charlie. They are the best of friends. But when Mr Milligan’s beloved goat dies, everything changes. Will Grace be able to help her friend overcome his sadness?

Grace and Mr Milligan is a heart-warming story of grief, love and the healing power of friendship.

2. Book of the Year Picture Books (Ages 0-18 Years)

Entries in this category should be outstanding books of the Picture Book genre, in which the author and illustrator achieve artistic and literary unity or, in wordless picture books, where the story, theme or concept is unified through illustrations. Ages 0-18 years.

Note: Some of the books in this category may be for more mature readers

Winner Picture Book

'Timeless' by Kelly Canby

Emit (whose parents turned back time to name him) is surrounded by busyness. Dad's too busy to read stories, Mum is too busy to play games and Emit’s brother and sister are simply too busy doing nothing, to do anything at all. Emit tries everything he can think of to get more time... but it’s not until Emit tries to 'buy' some time, that he learns the secret which is, if you want time, you have to make it.

Note: This award is for picture books that are relevant and of interest for readers 0-20 years of age.

BUT: Amazon lists it as suitable for children 0-8. Parent discretion should be exercised.

And the Shadow Judging Winner is...

A little lone werewolf prowls the nights on his own until he finds friendship in the most unexpected of places. This is a  whimsical and tender picture book in the spirit of Julie Fogliano’s 'My Best Friend'.

Every night at midnight, Felix turns into a wolf. His hands and feet turn into velvety paws, his senses become sharper, and he grows a long, furry tail. Felix loves exploring on four legs, and he has the nighttime world to himself. There’s no one else like him.

During the day, Felix is human, but it still feels like there’s no one like him. The other kids used to invite him to play, but now they keep their distance. That’s fine, though, Felix doesn’t need anyone else. But after a chance encounter, Felix the little lone wolf starts to wonder whether he might find his pack after all.

 There were other awards as usual in additional categories:

3. Book of the Year: Eve Pownall Award

This award is for factual books.

Entries in this category should be books which have the prime intention of documenting factual material with consideration given to imaginative presentation, interpretation and variation of style. Ages 0-18 years.

Winner: 'Country Town'

 'Timeless' by Kelly Canbee

Happy times, sad times, boom times and gloom times!
From the First Peoples camp at the river crossing in the 1820s through to Carols by Candlelight at the showground in
today’s world, this is a decade by decade wonderfully illustrated story of a small country community.


Isolde Martyn and Robyn Ridgeway co-authored Country Town, each providing a unique perspective of Australian

Isolde Martyn’s earlier career was in academia and publishing. She is the author of nine historical novels and her debut novel won a top award in the USA and Australia.

Country Town has been a long-term project and she hopes it encourages young readers and their families to enjoy
history in a really fun way.

Summing Up

I hope you will agree that there are some wonderful books recognized this year on the long list. as well as the winning and commended books.

Monday, June 24, 2024

"Literature and Storytelling as Exploration & Discovery"

Many people's interest in Literature begins very early in life. But not so for me. Unlike many children, my early life was not in a home where good literature was listened to, read and enjoyed. I came from a disadvantaged home where there very few books. While there was much music, yarns (as Scots call stories) and discussion in our home, there were virtually no books. Literature wasn't part of home life, but storytelling was. It was mainly experienced through Scottish yarns, stories of the Old Country, and popular music; as my parents were entertainers at weekends.

Children Bring Their Lived Experience to Reading

I wanted to do this post because I know that in our schools, there are students with quite diverse backgrounds. The title of the post owes much to Louise Rosenblatt who's book "Literature as Exploration", had a big impact on me as an adult,  after I had become a teacher and later an academic. It was later in life that I discovered the wonder and magic of literature. Rosenblatt argued that readers "project their world into what they read". The "reader seeks to participate in another's vision". An I believe this is so.

But of course, the presence of literature and story varies greatly across families and even cultures. For many children, literature isn't part of home life, but they might experience stories in different ways. In fact children's first experiences of what we know as "literature", might not come for some until school or even in later life. Our backgrounds and life experiences have a significant role in how we see and respond to literature. As Louise Rosenblatt stressed, every reader brings something of themselves and their lived experience to a book.

Key Factors in Helping Children to Embrace Literature

Margaret Meek is another scholar who taught me much about reading and storytelling. Her book "Learning to Read" first published in 1982, identified three basic assumptions about learning to read. She also wrote about the responsibility of others like teachers and parents to support young readers and storytellers. She outlined a number of key assumptions:

1. First, Literature is important

Reading is not simply for acquiring knowledge and literacy competence, it is the "active encounter of one mind and imagination with another". As the reader encounters any book, they bring with them lived experiences that matter, and this helps them to engage with a story, and respond to it in unique ways. It can also change them and their view of the world.

2. Second, reading is Learned by Reading

This might seem obvious, but Meek meant more than having time to read at school and perhaps at home. While children will start by recognizing words, they will quickly see that when words are used together, they reveal many other things. Children don't simply learn through exercises and rote learning of letters and words. They learn as they actually read for purpose, joy and to discover new things.

3. Third, what the reader reads makes a difference

The things children read shape how they see reading; including its purpose, how stories are formed and the 'other worlds' they can introduce to us. And they stimulate the growth of our imaginations. Reading should also trigger deep inner reflection on what we have encountered, and a desire to share this with others.

Further to Margaret Meek's three key points, I have always added a fourth, which looks at how storytelling and reading are related. I think she would agree with addition.

4. Storytelling has an impact on how & why we read and our lives

I include this extra point because it's important to think about how children move from being readers and recipients of stories, to creators of stories. Storytelling shifts children from being consumers of words and the reading of other people's stories, to becoming storytellers themselves.

Let me share a simple anecdote. I was visiting friends in the US late last year. They have two sons (aged 2.5 and 6.5 years old at the time). We went out to dinner with the family and while we were having a great time, the boys became a little restless. I began reading a picture book to the youngest and elaborated on the story by including the boys in the story. I became a bit creative with the story line. The younger brother was enthralled and so was his older brother.

 Above: A storyteller takes the floor!

When I finished my story, the 6 year old jumped up and began to tell his own story rather creatively and dramatically. Everyone listened intently, including us and others at nearby tables.

His own story had a similar story and structure, and he also dramatized it as he shared it with us. We listened intently as he dramatically created and shared his own story. Why do I share this?

This is the type of transformational moment that demonstrates exploration and discovery. Both boys learnt a significant lesson that night. That stories aren't just things to consume or to listen to, they are also things we can create, tell and share. As Margaret Meek taught us: 

"Given encouragement, everyone is a storyteller. Any incident becomes a story in the telling of it, and the next simple step is to write it down" (Meek, 'Learning to Read', 1982).

If you'd like to explore my fourth point on Storytelling you might consider the wonderful book "Children Tell Stories - A Teaching Guide" by Martha Hamilton & Mitch Weiss. 

Summing up

Stories and storytelling are an important part of life. Humans are instinctively listeners to and makers of stories and they love to share them. Why is this so? There are at least 6 key reasons:

  • Hearing stories stimulates children's imaginations
  • Hearing stories improves their listening skills
  • Hearing stories also helps to build a love of reading
  • Hearing stories helps children to develop listening skills
  • Hearing stories expands  children's vocabulary
  • Hearing stories helps to grow young writers, and also helps them over time to become writers as well

I might well revisit the thoughts in this post and elaborate on how to encourage children as story tellers in a future post. Happy storytelling. 







Friday, May 31, 2024

Nine Wonderful New Books for 5-13 Year Olds

I hope you enjoy my reviews of four new picture books for children aged 3-6 and five Junior novels for readers aged 8-12. A great collection!

1. Little Axel's Axolotl' by Juliette MacIver and illustrated by Christopher Nielsen

This is a very funny and endearing picture book, about a very special pet axolotl; named "Harris Aristotle" by his owner Axel. This is a very spoilt pet!

Axel attends to his every wish and want and need and feeds him with the finest cheese, and warms him with the warmest of hats. Axel's fishy feet never touch the ground ... But despite his life of ease, Harris has a secret dream ... and hatches a secret, and daring scheme. Harris is about to surprise everyone!

Axel takes Harris everywhere with him, but Harris Aristotle craves the chance to bask in the sun and learn how to swim. He sets out one night on a brave (or is it foolish) adventure?

This wonderful little picture book will be released in July and will be a great hit with children aged 3-6. It has a surprising ending for this adventurous Axolotl.

2. 'The Wobbly Bike' by Darren McCallum & illustrated by Craig Smith

This is another special book from Walker Books to be released in July. Librarians should advance order! 

3. 'Florence & Fox - The Pet Mouse' Zanni Louise & illustrated by Anna Pignataro

This is a beautifully illustrated picture book which will work well as a read aloud for children 2-5 or a self-read for 5-6 year olds. The central characters are Florence the crocodile and her friend Fox. Illustrator Anna Pignataro has created wonderful images for these sweet characters who are best friends. But they are VERY competitive. Each tries to trick the other by issuing challenges that they think they can win.

My only quibble with the book is that the text is a little confusing in places. There a few gaps in the dialogue that create disjunctions for the reader particularly on the first 5 pages.

This delightful story with beautiful crayon and water colour illustrations will amuse and encourage your children's understanding of what true friendship looks like. 

4. 'Mitchell Itches: An Eczema Story', by Kristen Kelly & Illustrated by Amelina Jones 

5. 'Ducky The Spy - Expect the Unexpected' Written and Illustrated by Sean E. Avery

Just released! This funny little story about a duck who is also a spy, will amuse readers aged 7-10. 

 Laugh-out-loud who-dunnit ridiculousness in this new graphic novel from Sean E Avery

A thief on the farm. A goat kidnapped by a gang of cats. A giant chicken. Ducky the Spy and Donny “The Distraction” Donkey are on the case.

7. 'Stitch' by Padraig Kenny and illustrated by Steve McCarthy

Pádraig Kenny is an Irish writer who hails from Newbridge in County Kildare. His debut novel 'Tin' was published in 2018 and was Waterstones Children’s Book of the Month. It has been nominated for the CILIP Carnegie Medal and several other awards. Since then he has had success with his second novel 'Pog' (2019). And his third novel 'The Monsters of Rookhaven' (2020), received the 'Honour Award for Fiction in the 2021 KPMG Irish Children's Books Ireland awards. It was also nominated for the Carnegie Medal. This fifth novel "Stitch" was published by Walker Books in 2024. It was 'Times Children's Book of the Month' in January 2024.

Readers aged 10-13 should enjoy 'Stitch'. The central character 'Stitch' and his friend 'Henry Olaf' were brought to life by the genius Professor Hardacre. But the professor's wicked nephew takes over his laboratory. Stitch and Henry are forced to escape, but will they ever be seen as anything but 'monsters'? 
 A rare gothic novel for readers aged 9-13.

8. 'Knights and Bikes - Wheels of Legend' by Gabrielle Kent and illustrated by Rex Crowle & Luke Newell

Welcome to the sleepy island of Penfurzy, where nothing exciting ever really happens. OR DOES IT? Adventure awaits Demelza and her new best friend in the whole world, Nessa, as they explore the island and uncover the mysteries of the Penfurzy Knights. With a honking pet goose sidekick, quirky islanders and a legendary treasure to find, it's up to Nessa and Demelza to ride their bikes, solve the puzzles before them, and face down danger with frisbees, water-balloons, feathers .... and a toilet plunger. THEIR FRIENDSHIP WILL WARM YOUR HEART. THEIR BRAVERY WILL MAKE THEM LEGENDS.

This is is a mystery with a sprinkling of wonderful black and white images by Rex Crowle & Luke Newell. Readers aged 10-13 will enjoy the engaging story

9. 'Queen of Dogs' by Joe Weatherstone & illustrated by Nicolette Treanor 

Maddy’s family is talented and ambitious — sporting trophies, top grades, they collect them all. But Maddy would rather spend time with her best friend, her pug Gusto. When Gusto disappears … her world changes.

Her search for Gusto reveals a surprising talent and Maddy can't believe her ears. She can understand everything the neighbourhood dogs are saying and suddenly Maddy becomes the go-to canine problem solver. But when more and more dogs go missing, Maddy finds herself with a much bigger problem … and she is going to need a lot of friends – two-legged and four-legged – to help her solve it ...

This is a debut novel from Joe Weatherstone that speaks of loneliness and how friends and animals can help to overcome these challenges. It is Joe's debut middle grade novel, that 12-13 year-olds will enjoy and find relatable. Joe is actually Creative Producer and her work includes the 'Emmy' winning children's series 'Hardball', 'Oscar' nominated 'Inja' and the Logie winning 'Housos'. She lives in Sydney with her two children and two dogs!