Why a post on comprehension? First, because there is no more important literacy topic than helping children to understand and interpret what they read, view, hear and experience. Second, because this is one area of literacy that it is so badly supported by many teachers and parents. Third, because it has been a topic neglected by researchers and teacher educators in recent years. I may do a series of posts but first a simple introduction.
What is comprehension?
I'll offer you my own definition:
Comprehension is the ability to understand, interpret, appreciate and critique written and spoken language, images and film.Traditionally, the term comprehension was used primarily to describe the ability to understand written and spoken language, but in recent times teachers and researchers have increasingly stressed the need to include new media as we move towards more digital and visual communication in our world. Some have even argued that the written word is no longer as important as it once was. I don’t agree with this view (see my post here on "Writing, communication and technology"), but I do believe that we have a responsibility to help children learn to comprehend more than just the written word. Unfortunately, in the debate about new ways to create meaning and communicate, terms like comprehension have been neglected.

The foundations of comprehension in the first 5 years of life
There is much that parents and preschool teachers can do to encourage children’s comprehension. Here are 9 simple tips.
- Read regularly (at least daily) to your children and talk about the things that you read.
- Try to read the book with emotion, with invented sound effects, with different voices for characters and the narrator, changes in voice volume and tone - much meaning is communicated this way.
- Support their emerging understanding of what they read or hear by encouraging them to look at pictures and images and relate these to the words that you read. Emphasise key words or repetitive patterns in the book “But don’t forget the bacon”, “But where is the Green Sheep?”
- Encourage them to relate ideas, language and knowledge that a book introduces to other areas of learning or life – “You’ve got a teddy too”, “His puppy is like Darren’s puppy”, “We saw an elephant like this one at the zoo”.
- Encourage them to draw, sing, talk about, act out, make things, dress up and so on, in response to the things that you read to them or they read themselves.
- Encourage them to memorise and learn things from the books they read or listen to. You can’t read “Wombat Stew” without reciting over and over again “Wombat stew, Wombat stew, Gooey, brewy, Yummy, chewy, Wombat stew!”
- Encourage them to make connections between the things they read, view and experience – “This story is like in Shaun the Sheep when he…..”.
- Read varied books – different story types, factual books as well as fiction, poetry and prose, different forms of illustrations and so on.
- Watch TV shows, videos and movies with your children and talk about them, explain things, try to make connections with stories they have read, encourage response with art, drawing, play dough, puppets, dressing up, acting out and so on.

“Texts teach what readers learn”
Simple strategies like the above actually encourage comprehension by teaching children about language, texts and the purposes of such texts. An English colleague of mine Margaret Meek (Meek, 1987) puts it this way – “Texts teach what readers learn”. She argues that children learn a great deal about written language and how texts work as part of the experience of using written language, and in particular, “by becoming involved in what they read”. Meek argues that children’s early experiences of reading and being read literature can teach them many things. Interaction with adults as they encounter books is vital to this early learning.
Meek recognises that one of the most powerful parts of the early experiences of literature for the very young is the interaction that takes place between an adult and child as part of the reading of a text (the earlier post that I did on 'Guiding Children's Learning' is of relevance here too). Many things about language, discourse and the world are learned as children engage with books, videos, music etc. They can learn simple things like vocabulary and gain knowledge of simple and complex things. Some of the more complex things they learn require them to begin to interpret, understand, appreciate and critique.

Books for many children offer opportunities to consider for the first time major issues such as life and death (see my recent post on this here), pain and suffering, joy and sadness, fear and frustration, truth and falsehood. As children grow older and encounter more and more language, new aspects of the human condition are brought into focus, language devices are discovered, literary devices for plot development and characterisation are observed and understood for the first time. Encounters between readers and texts have great potential to develop reading comprehension and the key is active engagement and discussion between an adult and child, as they encounter books, films, pictures, music, firsthand experiences and so on.
Teachers and educators can read a full paper on some of the issues raised above as well as discussion about technology, literacy and the challenges of multimodal texts on my website (here).
JACOB is Six today!! Happy birthday Jake.
Great post Trevor. I am never sure what level of comprehension I should expect from my almost 5 year old son. He watches DVDs such as Shaun the Sheep over and over and keeps asking "But why did that happen?"
Yesterday his uncle sent him some magazines on aeroplanes (one of his favourite things) and he got me to read an article on the first passenger flight of the A380 (one of his favourite planes). It was a long article which took at least 15 minutes to read to him. Afterwards I asked him what it was about. The A380. Lufthansa. I wonder if it was just that it was so long that he lost the meaning of it all. But he still enjoyed it, and that's the main thing. The next time we read it it might sink in a little more. I guess that's part of comprehension too.
Sorry, that was a long comment!
Hi Prue, sounds like your son has more than adequate comprehension at this stage and that you're doing all the right things. Don't assume that he didn't understand much about the topic just because he didn't say much. If texts like the magazine are too hard then I'd suggest focussing more on the pictures, the diagrams etc and just talking about them. You shouldn't be frightened to stop after a paragraph and do your own paraphrasing, for example: "That's interesting, the A380 has two decks, it can have up to 853 people in it..." You should also make good use of other media. He might draw the planes, you could look up appropriate websites, print a picture and write something on it that he dictates (or let him write it himself). Anyway, it sounds like you're doing great stuff with him. Trevor
Oh, we know all the kids websites on planes (one great one where they pick up pieces of the plane, put it in the right place and it explains what each bit is for as you do it), he has lots of model planes, we go to the airport to see planes. I know so much more about planes than I ever imagined!
Thanks for the ideas though. I always learn a lot from you!
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